The Simple Guide To Incredible Customer Experiences: How To Talk To Customers
Dave Christie - 09.03.2023
The business world is challenging for solo Cheshire entrepreneurs who operate either as sole traders or are a one-person management that supervises a small workforce.
It can feel isolating and lonely without support from others. To address this, networking brings business leaders together for support and to discuss shared business concerns.
It takes tremendous time and effort to grow a successful business which causes some sole entrepreneurs to neglect their health. ‘Netwalking’ helps by combining the benefits of traditional professional business networking with health-improving exercise. It is a chance to make new contacts and share business and personal challenges whilst walking and talking in the beautiful Cheshire countryside.
Several organisations arrange netwalks in Cheshire including Freshwalks, which for the past ten years has organised walks varying from 8km easy strolls to strenuous 30km hikes. These walks attract business executives and CEOs, some of whom take part to network for business development purposes whilst others simply want to switch off their busy minds and recharge. Netwalks help break the isolation many small business leaders face when they work alone.
Another valuable support resource for lone entrepreneurs is business coaching. At Cheshire Business Coaching, we’ll listen to your business concerns and help you develop a strategy to grow your business and personal life. We may even suggest that you schedule time away from the office to walk and think whilst outside in the fresh Cheshire air, on your own, with a dog or with people who inspire you.
Dave Christie - 09.03.2023
Dave Christie - 14.12.2024
Dave Christie - 02.07.2024
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