A better business tomorrow starts with YOU today

Group Sessions

Benefits of group business coaching

The dynamic of group coaching sessions is, unsurprisingly, slightly different to that of our one-to-one coaching sessions. Not every business owner enjoys the individual, forensic approach to coaching for their business, which is absolutely fine, but that doesn’t mean they can’t experience the advantages that business coaching can offer.

Instead of being a one-on-one discussion between business owner and business coach, group sessions function as more of an open forum where likeminded business owners can share issues from their businesses and work together with their coach to help solve them. This approach is especially beneficial for people who have started their business at around the same time.

What we could cover

We can cover almost any issue that may be holding your business back. Below are just a few of the common topics we help with that regularly affect small business owners:





Is group business coaching suited to me?

Not every small business owner has the budget to commit to an individual coaching program. Plus, the prospect of one-to-one coaching may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Therefore, if you know other likeminded business owners who are going through similar issues to yourself and would be willing to split the costs, group coaching just makes sense.

If your inner circle is interested in coming along, amazing. We can bounce ideas back and forth, taking advantage of professional coaching techniques, and take away new approaches to problem solving that everyone can apply to their own business.

However, if you’d like to use coaching as a way to meet some new business owners in similar positions to yourself, these sessions are fantastic for this. It’s hard to underestimate how valuable this can be for your business, so if individual coaching isn’t for you, the benefits of group sessions are massive.

Where do group sessions take place?

Of course, this will depend on factors such as where attendees are based and the size of the sessions. Typically, we look to run group sessions at community and business hubs that are accessible for everyone wanting to attend. Sessions can be held online if circumstances dictate, however.

Unlock your full potential

Through group sessions, everyone can walk away with a bit more of a tangible plan. You’ll walk away with something in your hands that they can go and action and the accountability of a WhatsApp group or a community group that we create together that includes me within it.

Got a specific goal in mind?