A better business tomorrow starts with YOU today

Coaching and mentoring for business success

Whatever business success means to you, Cheshire Business Coaching offers coaching and mentoring to get you achieving your goals. Sessions are flexible in terms of time, location, and advice as it’s all specific to you.

Why coaching and mentoring?

Mentoring is based on relationships, the sharing of knowledge for development. Coaching is more goal focussed, achieving business success with structure.

Development and structure are equally as important when growing your business; therefore, my support combines both mentoring and coaching, think relationship-based goal setting. I utilise my experience and knowledge to mentor, develop and grow your skills in business. Alongside this, setting meaningful goals to get you reaching your full potential through coaching.

Why choose Cheshire Business Coaching to help grow your business?

Personalised Approach

Getting the right support matters. I listen to your challenges, your goals and together we put a plan in place for you to make it happen. We have regular reviews to discuss and adapt - to get your business growing in the most efficient way for your time and resources.

Expert Guidance

I’m Dave, a qualified business mentor and coach. I am a dedicated facilitator of learning and exploring. I offer guidance to people with businesses; helping them to explore different ways to grow and communicate.

Strategic Thinking

Through having my own business, and always questioning WHY, I have learnt the hard way what works and what doesn’t. Through discussion – I will introduce you to new ways of thinking and strategies that suit you and your business and the WHY behind how they will be beneficial.

Convenient Coaching

I’ve been known to have walk-and-talk sessions through to online Zoom workshops. Basically – whatever works for you, most likely will work for me. WHY? Because I help business owners free up time to allow them to focus more on their business. I purposefully make it super easy and flexible as I don’t want to add to your stress!

Growth Planning

My strengths and passions all revolve around understanding people. Therefore, I am able to offer growth plans that seamlessly fit into your life because I make the effort to get to know you. With time these small manageable changes compound into real business success – in whichever form that comes in for you.

Effective Communication

Through effective communication, I connect other people’s business needs and thoughts with the right path for the best outcome. It still excites me every time I help someone meet an unmet challenge.

How I work with small business owners

One-to-one coaching sessions

One-to-one coaching sessions are ideal for those who are looking for a dedicated set time to focus on moving their business forward.

Walk and talk

These informal chats are fantastic for brainstorming ideas and getting some fresh air into our lungs. Bring the dog, relax, and decompress after a busy day. I’ll come to you.

Group sessions

Group sessions are great for those who value the experiences of other business owners. I’ll bring you together with other people who are in a similar position to yourself to share knowledge.


Similar to a group session, but with a set topic or goal. This can be a half-day, full-day, or multiple days. I’m flexible depending on what your end goal requirements are.

“Dave asked me the right questions to get me thinking.”

I work closely with you and your business to help you understand what options you have for YOUR business and WHY you might choose them.

Often there is something hidden in plain sight that is waiting to be discovered. This could be personal, or business-related – most of the time both, as you are what drives your business.

Cheshire Business Coaching offers mentoring, coaching and workshops for business owners seeking growth in leadership, emotional intelligence, personal resilience and more.

Trusted by

Fifteen Group - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
Health Stores UK - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge - Partner of Cheshire Business Coaching
Virgin Startup - Partner of Cheshire Business Coaching
MacStore UK - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
BNI Cheshire East - Member
South Cheshire Chamber of Commerce & Industry - Member
XO Business Development Solutions - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
ACF Blakemore - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
Visyon - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
Reaseheath College - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
Thyme Store - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
For Goodness Shakes - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
Nourish - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
Pri's Puddings - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
Marcel's Green Soap - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
The Skinny Food Company - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
Tenzing - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
Little Soap Company - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching
Hello Wellness - Client of Cheshire Business Coaching

and many more...

How we do it.

Communication is key to business success - Cheshire Business Coaching


Being able to talk freely is what makes coaching and mentoring so successful. There are no right or wrong answers. Just honesty about where you are at, and where you want to get to. I have years of experience with businesses just like yours. I empower my clients to make decisions to grow on a personal level, and therefore a business level as a result.

New ideas will be delivered to you with our business coaching

New Ideas

“But Dave I’ve tried everything and nothing is helping me grow my business!”

My answer to this is you’ve most likely tried everything that you know of. You can’t try what you don’t know. Through my mentoring I get to know YOU. That way, when we discuss solutions – they will most likely not feel like huge leaps into the unknown.

Accountability is a key factor for business coaching success


Setting goals is crucial for small business owners who want to achieve success. From clear objectives you can create a roadmap and stay focused on what you want to achieve. When setting goals, make sure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This way, you can track your progress and adjust along the way.

Communication is key to business success - Cheshire Business Coaching


Being able to talk freely is what makes coaching and mentoring so successful. There are no right or wrong answers. Just honesty about where you are at, and where you want to get to. I have years of experience with businesses just like yours. I empower my clients to make decisions to grow on a personal level, and therefore a business level as a result.

New ideas will be delivered to you with our business coaching

New Ideas

“But Dave I’ve tried everything and nothing is helping me grow my business!”

My answer to this is you’ve most likely tried everything that you know of. You can’t try what you don’t know. Through my mentoring I get to know YOU. That way, when we discuss solutions – they will most likely not feel like huge leaps into the unknown.

Accountability is a key factor for business coaching success


Setting goals is crucial for small business owners who want to achieve success. From clear objectives you can create a roadmap and stay focused on what you want to achieve. When setting goals, make sure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This way, you can track your progress and adjust along the way.

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Leisa Pickles

Find me the Leads Ltd

I have been working with Dave since the start of 2022. Dave has a positive, can do attitude and is the ultimate professional. Dave goes above and beyond to support the needs of his Clients and deliver against their objectives. I would have no hesitation in recommending Dave as a Strategic commercial partner for any Food & Drink business looking to grow via sales maximisation.

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