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How To Structure A Revenue Operations Team

Dave Christie - 10.03.2023

Are you a small business looking for the best way to structure your revenue operations team? If so, you’ve come to the right place! As a Small Business Growth Specialist, I know that this can be an overwhelming process. But don’t worry – with some careful planning and organization, it doesn’t have to be as stressful as it seems. In this article, I will provide actionable advice on how to structure a revenue operations team in order to maximize efficiency and ensure success.

You may already have an established sales team, but establishing a separate revenue operations team is essential for any growing business looking to improve their performance and increase profits. Revenue operations teams are responsible for ensuring accuracy, visibility and control of all aspects of the company’s financial processes. They also help drive strategy, optimize customer experiences and enable data-driven decision making. By creating an effective revenue operations system, businesses can save time and money while increasing overall productivity.

In this article we’ll explore why setting up a well-structured revenue operations team is important for any business; what functions should be included in such a system; and how you can go about implementing one within your own organization. With these tips, you can rest assured that your business’s finances will remain organized and efficient throughout its growth trajectory. So let’s get started – read on for more details!

Definition Of Revenue Operations

What is Revenue Operations? One might ask, what could possibly be the point of having a team to manage revenue? Well, it’s quite simple – without an Ops Team definition established and in place, organizations would have no way to accurately measure their success.
Revenue Operations (or “RevOps”) refers to the processes used by teams within businesses that are responsible for managing and optimizing revenues generated from customers or clients. This includes activities such as sales operations, marketing operations, pricing optimization, customer experience management, customer data analysis and forecasting. The goal of RevOps is to ensure that all aspects of the organization are working together seamlessly so that maximum value can be delivered to the customer.

By establishing a formalized process with clear objectives and measurable outcomes, organizations can more easily identify opportunities for improvement and align resources accordingly. Ultimately this leads to increased efficiency and improved customer satisfaction levels while also driving greater profits through better visibility into how strategies are being implemented across departments. With these benefits in mind, let’s explore the advantages of setting up a revenue operations team in your business.

Benefits Of A Revenue Operations Team

Revenue operations teams can bring significant benefits to any business. A well-structured team will help optimize revenue, increase efficiency in operations, and engage customers with strategic insights. The cost savings of such a structure should not be overlooked either.

For companies looking to streamline their processes, a revenue ops team is the perfect way to do so. By consolidating multiple functions into one team, businesses gain access to more streamlined systems and greater expertise within specific departments. This means that new ideas and strategies can quickly be implemented without having to reinvent the wheel every time something changes or needs improvement. Additionally, this centralization allows for quicker decision making when it comes to customer service and marketing initiatives as well as increased collaboration between departments.

The right combination of roles on such a team also leads to improved customer experience. With members specializing in areas like analytics, sales optimization and customer success working together toward shared goals, customer engagement levels are sure to rise along with overall satisfaction ratings from clients. This type of organization also provides an opportunity for cross-functional training which further increases productivity across the board by providing each member with a better understanding of how different parts of the company work together towards common objectives.

A robust revenue operations team offers many advantages that can improve both short-term results and long-term performance for any business – from small startups to large corporations alike. To ensure maximum return on investment though, careful consideration must go into defining the roles and responsibilities associated with such a setup.

Roles And Responsibilities

Having the right roles and responsibilities within a revenue operations team is essential for success. It’s important to have clarity around who owns what tasks, and how they interact with other teams in order to ensure that everyone knows their part in driving growth. Here are some of the most common roles and responsibilities you’ll need to consider when structuring your revenue operations team:

The first role is the Revenue Operations Manager. This person oversees all areas of the business related to revenue. They will be responsible for creating strategies, setting goals, tracking progress towards those goals, and working closely with sales, marketing, finance, product management, customer support and other departments. The goal here is to drive efficiency across all parts of the organization to maximize ROI from investments made into new products or initiatives.

Next up is a Revenue Operations Analyst. This role focuses on analyzing data from various sources such as financials and customer feedback. They look at trends over time in order to make informed decisions about where resources should be allocated for maximum return on investment (ROI). Additionally, they create reports which can help identify areas of improvement as well as highlight successes so that corrective action can be taken if needed.

Finally comes an Automation Engineer or Data Scientist. These individuals work hand-in-hand with both the Revenue Operations Manager and Analyst by building automated processes that save time while also increasing accuracy throughout the entire process. Through automation these engineers can ensure accurate forecasting models are built quickly with minimal manual effort required which helps improve overall decision making capabilities within an organization.

With each role clearly defined it’s easier to build out an effective organizational structure for your revenue ops team based on specific needs and objectives set forth by leadership.

Organizational Structure

Organizational structure is the foundation on which a successful Revenue Operations team must be built. Just as an architect carefully constructs a building, so too must leaders create an effective and efficient organizational structure that aligns with their business goals. There are several structural options available to teams – matrix structures, hierarchical structures, team-based structures, flat structures, and virtual structures – each of which has its own benefits and drawbacks.

No matter what type of structure is chosen, it should be designed to support both individual contributors and cross-functional collaboration. A well thought out plan will ensure that everyone knows who they report to, how decision making happens within the organization and how success is measured. Of course, there will likely need to be some adjustments over time as the needs of the revenue operations team evolve.

Creating an organizational structure for your revenue operations team can feel overwhelming at first but with careful consideration of all aspects it can lead to improved communication, efficiency and ultimately better results overall. By taking the time upfront to define roles & responsibilities and build an optimal organizational structure you’ll have set yourself up for future success.

Recruiting Process

When it comes to setting up a revenue operations team, recruiting the right people is key. To ensure successful rops recruitment, you must develop an effective strategy and staffing process. Here are some tips for creating a comprehensive plan:

First, define your ideal candidates in terms of skillsets and experience. This will help narrow down the pool of applicants when conducting interviews. Then create job postings that clearly communicate what you’re looking for in potential employees. Don’t forget to include necessary qualifications as well as any other preferences you may have such as certifications or language abilities. Finally, use social media platforms like LinkedIn to actively promote open positions and reach out to qualified professionals who already work in the field.

Once you’ve identified potential hires, be sure to ask questions that evaluate their capabilities rather than relying solely on resumes or cover letters. Also consider administering aptitude tests and skill assessments if needed. Doing so can not only aid in selection but also provide valuable insight into how prospective members could contribute to the success of your team’s overall mission and goals.

With these steps established, you’ll be ready to start building your revenue operations team with confidence! Moving forward, let’s look at how to set up KPIs and metrics for tracking performance over time.

Setting Up Kpis And Metrics

For many small businesses, setting up KPIs and metrics to track performance can be likened to flying a plane without a navigator. Without the right information in hand, goals may seem out of reach. But with an organized plan that outlines the organization’s objectives and necessary steps for success, companies have the best chance at hitting their sales targets while improving operational efficiency.

When it comes to revenue operations, there are several key metrics that need to be tracked and monitored on an ongoing basis. From tracking lead generation activity and conversion rates to analyzing customer churn, these figures will give business owners crucial insights into how their team is performing against its goals. Additionally, measuring average lifetime value (LTV) of customers helps organizations determine if they are getting meaningful returns from each sale or transaction. By having a clear understanding of what drives revenue growth over time, decision-makers can identify areas where improvements can be made to maximize profits.

It’s critical for teams responsible for implementing tactics related to revenue operations also know how progress should be evaluated along the way – not only when reviewing financial results after long periods of time. Regularly checking in on both qualitative and quantitative data allows leaders to make informed decisions about changes needed within their strategy moving forward. With careful evaluation of such factors as customer feedback, employee engagement surveys and marketing ROI calculations, course corrections can quickly take place if issues arise during various stages of execution.

Reporting structures must then be established so that any new findings are reported back through the organizational hierarchy in a timely manner – giving stakeholders visibility into strategies being implemented by their team as well as providing foresight into potential future outcomes based on current trends.

Reporting Structures

Creating an effective reporting structure for your Revenue Operations team is essential to success. This structure should provide clarity and consistency in the way information flows between departments, as well as establish protocols that ensure operational efficiency and accuracy.

When creating a reporting hierarchy within your organization, it’s important to consider multiple variables such as leadership roles, delegated responsibilities, skill sets, and departmental objectives. By understanding these elements of your team, you can create a system of reporting procedures that helps maximize productivity while minimizing redundancies. Additionally, having clearly defined teams with individual tasks will allow managers to better track progress and allocate resources more efficiently.

From establishing standard operating procedures to setting up team-level meetings, there are several ways to ensure everyone on the Revenue Operations team is properly informed about their role and what’s expected from them. Establishing clear communication channels throughout all levels of the organization allows executives and managers alike to stay abreast of developments quickly and accurately. Furthermore, this will help streamline processes by reducing misunderstandings or miscommunications that could lead to costly delays or errors in decision-making.

These strategies enable seamless collaboration across departments so each member understands how their actions impact other areas in the organization – leading to improved results overall.

Cross-Department Collaboration

Now that we have established ideal reporting structures for a revenue operations team, let us move on to cross-department collaboration. When working with multiple departments, it is important to ensure everyone understands their role in the process and coordinates their efforts effectively. This can be accomplished through interdepartmental communication and establishing clear expectations at each stage of the project.

Cross-functional teams are also essential in order to integrate different perspectives into the development or implementation of strategies. For example, if a marketing strategy needs to be implemented, you may need input from both sales and finance teams to successfully execute it. By collaborating with other departments, ideas can be shared more easily and resources allocated accordingly. Additionally, members from different departments will bring unique insights and experiences which can help provide better solutions overall.

Integrating various points of view when developing plans helps create an effective environment where tasks are completed efficiently and accurately. Taking this approach ensures your company’s goals are met faster and provides opportunities for growth across all business units.

With that being said, there are certain data management strategies that should also be considered when creating successful collaborations between departments.

Data Management Strategies

In the world of Revenue Operations, data serves as a map to success. Without proper management and governance, it’s like trying to drive without street signs or direction. It can be an overwhelming task for any business owner. Fortunately, there are ways to maximize your organization’s data usage with effective strategies.

An important element of data management is establishing clear data policies that ensure security and accuracy across all channels. By developing procedures around who has access to what data and how it’s used, businesses can create secure environments that protect their customers’ sensitive information while also enabling them to get the most out of their analytics efforts. Additionally, having explicit rules about which types of data visualization techniques should be applied when interpreting results will help make sure insights remain valid and actionable.

Data integration plays an integral role in helping organizations gain real-time visibility into all aspects of their operations. With tools designed to streamline analysis by combining disparate sources into unified views, teams can quickly identify trends and outliers so they have more time to focus on critical tasks such as customer service optimization or marketing strategy development. As automation tools become increasingly accessible, companies looking for maximum ROI must develop systems that allow them continuously capture new insight from multiple sources without sacrificing quality or creating extra overhead costs.

Automation Tools

Now that data management strategies have been established, it’s time to turn to automation tools. Revenue automation is an absolute must for small businesses looking to maximize their growth potential. Automation software and solutions can help streamline processes, saving valuable time and resources while boosting efficiency.

When selecting the right automation tool, you should consider your company’s needs as well as budget constraints. It’s important to identify which areas of operations could benefit most from automated workflows and what type of process automation would be best suited for those tasks. This will ensure that you are investing in a solution that provides maximum value for your organization.

Once you’ve determined the appropriate level of automation for your business, you can begin researching specific products and services available on the market today. Be sure to review customer feedback and ratings before making a purchase decision, so that you know exactly what you are getting into with any given product or service provider. With the right combination of automation tools in place, small businesses can reap significant rewards when it comes to optimizing operational performance.

Moving forward with these initiatives requires taking a closer look at how customer relationship management (CRM) systems fit into the picture. These CRMs provide powerful capabilities for managing leads, customers, sales pipelines—all essential components of scaling up efficiently and profitably over time.

Customer Relationship Management (Crm) Systems

As a Small Business Growth Specialist, I understand the importance of utilizing customer relationship management (CRM) systems to maximize revenue operations. CRMs are essential for data management and automation tools that help align with corporate objectives.

For starters, it’s important to have a single source of truth in your organization. A centralized system will allow you to access all customer information from one place. This includes contact details, purchase history, preferences, communication logs and more. The ability to store and organize this data is invaluable when it comes to creating targeted marketing campaigns or addressing support issues quickly.

Another great benefit of using a CRM is its scalability as your business grows over time. As new customers come on board, their data can be easily added into the system so they receive personalized attention right away. Automating processes such as onboarding emails and follow-up tasks ensures no potential lead falls through the cracks while saving valuable resources – both money and time!

By having an efficient CRM strategy implemented within your revenue operations team, you’ll be able to focus on what matters most: growing your business faster and smarter than ever before! Transitioning seamlessly between sales cycles without losing any momentum allows for greater success as well as increased customer satisfaction.

Alignment With Corporate Objectives

Now that you have chosen a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System to use, it is important to consider how your revenue operations team should be structured in order to align with corporate objectives. A well-defined strategy and structure of your operations team will ensure that they are able to achieve the desired revenue goals and support corporate objectives effectively.

The first step when structuring your operations team is to understand the business’s strategic alignment. This means understanding what the company wants to achieve and how this can best be achieved through their current operations team. It is also important to identify areas where improvements or changes could be made as part of an overall improvement plan for operational efficiency. By doing so, you will be able to create a more effective structure for achieving the desired outcomes from your operations team.

Once you have identified areas for improvement, it is important to make sure that everyone on your operations team understands their roles and responsibilities within the organization’s overall mission. This requires regular communication between all departments involved in order to ensure each individual understands their role in meeting the corporate objectives and executing their tasks accordingly. Effective communication ensures that everyone involved has clarity on expectations which ultimately helps keep processes running smoothly and efficiently while keeping everyone focused on working towards common goals.

By incorporating these steps into gaining an understanding of how best to structure your revenue operations team, you can better ensure success in meeting both short term and long term corporate objectives while creating greater efficiencies throughout every stage of operation. As such, it is essential that training requirements are discussed before any new system or process implementation takes place.

Training Requirements

Having an effective revenue operations team requires training. To ensure that the ops team is well-equipped to handle their responsibilities, they must possess certain skills and knowledge. Training requirements will vary depending on the specific tasks laid out for each individual member of the team. Start by assessing the current skill set of your revenue operations staff and what additional training may be needed.

For example, personnel who are tasked with customer service should have a strong understanding of customer experience best practices. They also need to understand how to use all necessary software tools such as CRM applications or analytics platforms. It’s important for them to know how to troubleshoot common technical issues customers might encounter when interacting with these tools. Revenue ops teams should also receive ongoing training in areas like data analysis, reporting, and process optimization so they can stay up-to-date on industry trends and develop strategies for improving efficiencies across all departments.

Once you’ve identified which types of training are required, it’s time to decide how employees will receive this education. Consider online courses, webinars, seminars, workshops and other forms of learning resources that can provide comprehensive instruction in core operations functions and related topics pertinent to your business goals. Additionally, consider providing opportunities for shadowing more experienced members of the team or mentorship programs where senior staff can help mentor junior members in order to transfer valuable expertise within the organization.

With proper training in place, your revenue ops team will be equipped with the right skillset needed to drive successful outcomes while working towards creating value throughout your entire enterprise ecosystem. As we move forward into exploring best practices for structuring a revenue ops team, let’s look at ways to maximize efficiency through streamlined processes and improved collaboration between teams.

Best Practices For Structuring A Revenue Ops Team

Structuring a revenue operations team is essential for the success of any organization. But where should you start? To ensure that your business has the best chance at achieving its goals, it’s important to understand what a revenue operations team looks like and how it works. Here are some best practices for structuring an effective revenue ops team:

First, create a clear organizational design. This means detailing out roles and responsibilities along with who reports to whom within the organization. It’s also critical to have a strong grasp on the technology tools being used i.e., CRM systems, marketing automation platforms etc., so everyone knows their place in the puzzle.

Second, establish processes and procedures that will be followed by all members of the team. This includes setting expectations around communication protocols as well as outlining key performance indicators (KPIs) that need to be met in order for the team to reach its objectives. With these processes and procedures firmly established, everyone can work together more efficiently towards common goals.

Lastly, foster collaboration amongst different departments within the company. By encouraging open dialogue between departments such as sales, marketing, and customer service teams, each individual contributor can gain insight into how their work contributes to overall organizational growth and success. This ensures that all stakeholders are aware of their role in driving positive outcomes from their efforts.

By staying mindful of these best practices when developing your own revenue operations team structure, you’ll be much better prepared to tackle any challenges that come up down the road – making sure your business succeeds over time!

Troubleshooting Common Challenges

Believe it or not, despite their important role in the organization, revenue operations teams are often overlooked when it comes to developing a cohesive organizational structure. Troubleshooting common challenges that arise within such teams can be challenging and time-consuming; however, with careful planning and foresight, these issues can easily be avoided. As a small business growth specialist, I’ve seen firsthand how easy it is for revenue operations teams to become overwhelmed without efficient data management practices and automation tools.

The most common challenge faced by revenue operations teams revolves around the lack of visibility into their performance across different departments. Without clear metrics and goal tracking systems in place, it’s difficult to measure success or identify areas where improvements could be made. Additionally, poor communication between team members can cause delays in decision making and reduce productivity. To ensure effective collaboration between all stakeholders involved in the process, organizations should consider investing in technology solutions that facilitate better information sharing and help streamline workflow processes.

In order to maximize efficiency and optimize outcomes, creating an organized framework is key. This includes providing resources on proper data handling techniques as well as setting up automated systems that allow for seamless execution of tasks. By implementing these strategies early on in the development of your revenue operations team you will create a foundation which will enable them to work faster and more accurately while saving valuable time!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Budget For A Revenue Operations Team?

Determining the budget for a revenue operations team is an important step in financial planning. To ensure that all of your budgeting requirements are met, it’s important to have a comprehensive understanding of cost estimation and resource allocation. With those two ideas in mind, let’s look at the steps necessary for creating a successful revenue operations budget.

When creating a budget plan, you’ll want to start by taking into account any current costs associated with running your operation. This means considering things like salaries, lease payments, overhead expenses, marketing investments etc. Once these costs have been identified, you can begin to make adjustments or add additional resources as needed. Additionally, you’ll need to factor in potential future expenses such as hiring new staff members or investing in tools and technology.

After calculating estimated costs and making sure they fit within your desired budget range, it’s time to identify where money should be allocated accordingly. It’s essential that each department gets its fair share according to their needs; this could mean giving more funds to departments with greater operating complexity or higher customer demand. Furthermore, depending on the size of the organization and industry regulations, certain areas may require more capital expenditure than others which must also be taken into consideration when developing your overall budget plan for revenue operations.

Developing a smart and balanced approach towards managing your financial assets is key when building out a successful revenue operations team from both short-term and long-term perspectives. The goal should always be ensuring that there is enough funding available to support all tasks required for achieving optimal performance and meeting business objectives set forth by upper management.

How Long Does It Take To Set Up A Revenue Operations Team?

Setting up a revenue operations team can be an important investment for any business. But it’s important to consider how much time and resources are required before making the decision to launch this type of initiative. To answer the question, “how long does it take to set up a revenue operations team?” let’s look at what needs to happen in order to get everything running smoothly.

The amount of time needed depends on various factors, such as the size of the organization, existing technology available and the desired outcomes. It could range from weeks or months depending on these details. During this setup period, teams must invest their energy into clearly defining roles, outlining processes and procedures, allocating resources and setting performance goals – all while considering potential return on investment (ROI).

Overall, developing a strong structure for your revenue operations team is critical for success. This process should include creating comprehensive job descriptions that clarify each position’s responsibilities; establishing operational protocols; aligning KPIs with organizational objectives; ensuring data accuracy; and building out reporting capabilities within systems like Salesforce or HubSpot. All these steps require careful thought and planning—and they often lead to additional costs associated with hiring new personnel or upgrading infrastructure.

Creating a well-crafted plan may seem daunting but taking the necessary steps will ensure you have an efficient operation that meets both short-term and long-term goals. Investing in proper setup strategies now can save you headaches down the road by providing clarity around roles and expectations from day one—ultimately leading to more effective use of financial resources, smoother execution of tasks, improved customer experience and greater returns over time.

What Are The Qualifications For Revenue Operations Team Members?

Setting up a successful revenue operations team is like trying to build the perfect puzzle. It takes time, effort and most importantly, the right pieces in place for success. When it comes to finding the best fitting team members who have the qualifications needed for the role, there are several key areas that need to be taken into consideration.

When looking at potential candidates for a revenue operations team, their qualifications must match what’s necessary for a return on investment (ROI). Aspects such as budgeting skills, expert knowledge of software systems and having an understanding of how data can influence ROI should all be looked at when selecting a qualified candidate. Additionally, experience with marketing strategies and analytics will also help ensure that each member of the team contributes effectively towards achieving overall goals.

Furthermore, having strong communication skills is essential when forming a successful revenue operations team structure. Team members should not only feel comfortable working together but they should also be able to take initiative and offer innovative ideas which could potentially increase returns or save money elsewhere within the business. Each individual has their own unique set of strengths and weaknesses so identifying these early on can assist with creating an effective balance between different roles within your team.

Overall, when constructing an impactful revenue operations team you must think about more than just technical abilities; interpersonal dynamics are equally important too. Having well rounded individuals with excellent problem solving capabilities means everyone plays their part in driving positive outcomes from collective efforts something which pays dividends in both short-term successes and long-term investments!

What Is The Best Way To Integrate A Revenue Operations Team Into An Existing Organization?

Integrating a revenue operations team into an existing organization can provide huge benefits. To ensure that it is done correctly, the best way to approach this process is by understanding the qualifications of the team members and how they fit into the larger picture. By following these steps, you’ll be able to maximize your organization’s potential for success with a revenue operations team.

When looking at integrating a revenue operations team, it’s important to consider what skills are necessary for each member in order to get the most out of their contributions. This includes operational proficiency and analytical thinking as well as experience in developing customer relationships and delivering successful projects on time. Additionally, strong communication and collaboration between departments will help ensure seamless integration of processes within your existing organization.

The next step is to determine how the revenue operations team fits into your existing organizational structure. It’s important to understand roles and responsibilities for each position so that everyone understands who leads which initiatives and how decisions are made. Once you have identified positions and assigned tasks accordingly, create systems or processes that make sure all goals are met efficiently while maintaining alignment with overall company objectives. Having clear expectations upfront ensures accountability throughout the integration process.

Incorporating a revenue operations team requires careful planning and consideration if you want to optimize its effectiveness within your organization. A comprehensive strategy should include identifying key personnel, creating detailed job descriptions, setting up specific protocols for decision-making and outlining expectations before implementation begins. With proper preparation and execution, you’ll be able to confidently integrate a revenue operations team that works harmoniously with other departments for maximum success!

What Is The Expected Return On Investment For A Revenue Operations Team?

Investing in a revenue operations team can be beneficial to any business, but one of the most important questions is: what is the expected return on investment (ROI)? When it comes to making smart decisions about allocating resources, ROI should always be top-of-mind. Every business has distinct objectives and requires its own unique approach when determining how best to structure their teams for maximum success.

It goes without saying that businesses need accurate strategies if they want to maximize their returns from an investment in revenue operations. In order for companies to get the most out of this type of team, they must evaluate not only the costs associated with creating or maintaining these teams but also the potential benefits that could result. Developing an effective strategy for structuring a revenue operations team involves understanding what types of tasks will yield the greatest ROI and then aligning those tasks with specific business objectives.

Businesses should consider whether they would benefit more from investing in additional personnel or technology solutions such as automation tools which could streamline processes and reduce labor costs. This information can help them determine where and when to invest in revenue operations so that they are able to achieve their desired goals efficiently while also increasing overall profitability.

Ultimately, there is no single answer when it comes to maximizing return on investment through a revenue operations team; however, by taking into account each company’s individual needs, budget constraints, and strategic objectives, organizations can create structures that will allow them to reap long-term rewards. By properly assessing both the cost and potential value of implementing a particular tactic or solution within their existing framework, decision makers can ensure that every dollar spent yields results which contribute toward achieving greater success over time.


As a Small Business Growth Specialist, I can confidently say that setting up a Revenue Operations Team will be one of the best investments you make for your business. The time and money spent on creating this team will pay off in spades! With the right qualifications, structure, and integration into an existing organization, you’ll have a well-oiled machine ready to generate maximum return-on-investment (ROI).

Plus, with a capable team managing all aspects of revenue operations, you won’t need to worry about any more financial headaches. Instead, you can focus on growing your business instead of staying stuck in the weeds. Your ROI from this small change could turn out to be astronomical – especially when combined with other strategies like marketing funnel optimization.

In short: investing in a Revenue Operations Team is definitely worth it if you want to maximize efficiency and profitability for your business. It may take some effort upfront but trust me – it’s worth every penny!

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